Vision Care Lincoln is located across the street from St. Jude’s on busy Front Street in Lincoln, Rhode Island. We serve our community, as well as the travelers who visit for our beautiful waterfront, festivals, and history.
Our shop provides prescription eye wear, sunglasses, custom work, and “over-the-counter readers” with rapid turnaround, often in just a few days. Optometrists are accepting new patients for eye exams and contact lens fittings. In addition, we provide repairs, adjustments, nose pad replacement, and tune-ups to eye wear. These services are free if the frame was purchased with us.
Rhode Island law requires a valid prescription generated within one year, and we are happy to contact your eye doctor for you to have your prescription faxed to our office.
Our staff is very aware of disinfection protocols. We are following the Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 recently released by OSHA. We have instituted several new policies as outlined below.
Protect yourself and others:
- Do not lean on or over the reception desk to interact with staff.
- Be wary of what you touch during your visit and avoid any unnecessary physical interaction. Surfaces are disinfected every 30 minutes.
- All patients will be limited to 1 guest in our office for the duration of the exam.
- In general, we recommend that you carry your own pen. Some germs can live on surfaces such as pens for days. As the saying goes, the pen is mightier than the sword.
If you are possibly ill or have been exposed to someone who is ill, please reschedule your appointment with us. We will not see any patients in our office who are visibly ill.
Keep updated! See more Practice News here.
Questions? Email us at info@visioncarelincoln.com for the quickest response!